【Woody'sHandmade】良缘满载。草莓晶手串。[2017第一季版]Harmonious union - Strawberry quartz (2017 Q1version)

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【Woody'sHandmade】良缘满载。草莓晶手串。[2017第一季版]Harmonious union - Strawberry quartz (2017 Q1version) - 手链/手环 - 宝石 粉红色


【Woody'sHandmade】良缘满载。草莓晶手串。[2017年第一季版]Harmonious union - Strawberry quartz (2017q1 version) “新版” 终于找到清透漂亮的草莓晶了! 喜欢的朋友请快下手喔。 草莓晶,日本人相信这是带来爱情与人缘的水晶。 属于骨干水晶的一种,据说能消除负面的情绪,带来好心情。 我们选用8mm的草莓晶为这款手串的主体 并且搭配上具有丰盛、多子意义的莲蓬银饰。 希望能为您带来满满的好心情与好人缘。 Strawberry quartz, the Japanese believe it can bring love and good karma. It is one type of Elestial, believed to have the power to zero out negative emotions and bring good mood. We choose 8mm strawberry quartz beads as main material and add in the silver seed cup of lotus which symbolizes rich fertility, abundance. We wish it will bring you good mood and good karma. 材质: 手串主材质:草莓晶8mm圆珠 925纯银 Material: Strawberry quartz, 925 silver 尺寸 中,适合手腕周径约为16cm 大,适合手腕周径约为18cm 订制大小,依您的手腕大小制作,请和我们联系。 Standard size Medium: wrist circumference size around 16 cm Standard size Large: wrist circumference size around 18 cm Please contact us if you need custom made size based on your wrist circumference size. 设计师简介 亲爱的朋友们,欢迎来我们的设计馆。 有几件事情想先跟大家沟通一下,请大家耐着性子看完。 第一,天然矿石类一定会有瑕疵。冰絮、纹路、矿眼,我们在制作时都会努力挑选,但无法达到每颗珠子都百分之百完美,如果不能接受,请拜托不要购买。 第二,每批矿石各有特色,即使同一种水晶宝石,随着矿区、开采时间,也会不同。除非您挑选的是加色矿石。所以,我们只能“尽量”但是没办法做出跟照片中“一模一样”的手串,请见谅。 第三,想购买的朋友,最好预留两周的制作及寄送时间。如果有特殊时间需求,请务必来信沟通。 第四,请量好手腕的长度。测量方式:请在手腕最突出的骨头后方,用线轻轻圈起来,再挑松一个手指的宽度,通常就会刚好。但若您想要超过8mm以上的珠子,请多留一点空间。 第五,欢迎和我讨论你喜欢的感觉\矿石,我会尽力替你完成设计! 谢谢你们看完所有说明,希望你们逛的开心,也希望我们的作品能有缘份和您相会。 About the designer Dear friends, welcome to Woody’s Handmade. There are a few things we would like to communicate with you and seek for your understanding: First, there will always be some flaws in natural ores such as Ice flore, grain, ore eye..etc. We will strive to pick the best during the process, but can not guarantee 100% perfection for each bead. if you can not accept this term and condition, please do not purchase. Second, each batch of ore has their own characteristics - even if the same kind of crystal and gemstones, it differs based on different mine locations and mining time. Therefore, we can only "try" but we can not guarantee to have it exactly "identical" with as the photos shown. If the precise color of the bead is of a concern to you, we suggest that you pick beads made from colored ore. Third, please reserve two weeks for production and shipping time. If you have urgent need for shorter lead time, please be sure to communicate with us as soon as possible. Fourth, please measure the length of the wrist accurately. Measurement method: Make a loose circle with a string around the back of the most prominent bone of the wrist, and then loosen to about a width of a finger. But if the beads you are going to purchase are bigger than 8mm, please reserve a little bit more space. Fifth, I welcome any discussion with you about what type of design you like and what kind of ore you like. I will try my best to design what you would love! Thank you for reading all the instructions and shopping our store, hope our design and product will meet you soon. Origin / manufacturing methods: Taiwan, hand-string


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