‘Beara Beara' creates bags for those who we have not yet met. But we sit and imagine who you may be. What secrets you have, what makes you smile, what makes you sigh. We sit at our messy desks and rummage through materials and shapes and patterns. We play. We play with our ideas. What will make your life a little brighter? We ignore the chaos in the street, the technology, the worries of life. We create something new. Every month we go home with our wages to give to our landlords and government and banks but still feel quite content. We like making strangers smile.
我们为素未谋面的人设计包包。我们静坐着,想像你可能扮演的角色,你可能隐藏的秘密;思考着甚么能令你会心微笑,甚么能令你悲伤叹息。我们坐在杂乱的桌前,恣意翻弄各式素材原料。什么能使你的生活增添色彩?是我们试图寻求的答案。忽视繁华街道的喧嚣,制式的规定以及苦闷的烦恼。Beara Beara创造出精致独特的包包,只希望你们一展笑颜。
In our minds we are Julio and Maria and Cesar and Natalia who also sit at their desks in Bolivia and twist and shape pieces of leather into something that has never been seen before. Our connection with our suppliers is one of the most special aspects about Beara Beara. A collaboration, which exists on mutual admiration, respect, understanding and general positivity. Improve people's lives through trade and not aid, is one of the principles on which the business is built, yet none of us imagined it would become so much fun.
Beara Beara和位于玻利维亚的制造商特殊且和谐的合作关系,创建在互相欣赏,理解及尊重。鼓励当地居民就业,提高当地生活水平,一直是我们致力达成的目标。
As a young business we have been quite hideous to work with; a spoilt child wanting everything and wanting it right now. Over demanding in production schedules, uncompromising in material quality, relentless in the pursuit of our exact designs, pedantic in finding faults. Hats off to our suppliers for putting up with us in our infancy but now that we are a tad more mature we have been justified by the fact that our customers appreciate our continued pursuit of quality and perfection. Naturally dyed hand-picked hides. One-of-a-kind cloths displaying history in a modern style. Soft linings and strong hardware. Our aim is always to create a quality product that will reward our customer's trust in us.
Beara Beara是个非常年轻且刚起步的品牌,在这竞争激烈的时尚产业中,我们致力于坚持高品质原料和独创的设计,并逐渐的成长茁壮。天然的染色织布,独特的花纹布料,纯棉内衬以及坚韧的皮革架构,俨然成为Beara Beara代名词。为了使购买Beara Beara的你们感受到这份用心及感谢你们的信任,对于品质的坚持我们将永不妥协。
Overview 总览
Detail 细节
材质: 牛皮、绒布
内衬: 100%棉
尺寸(厘米): 长 20 X 高25 X 宽8
背带(厘米): 81(可调整)
重量(公克): 430
FAQ 常见问题
是的,Beara Beara只使用天然皮革。Beara Beara的包包全由未加工过的牛皮制成,皮革上会带有天然且深浅不一的纹理,此为手工牛皮制品的一大特色。
Beara Beara是否有加入公平贸易组织?
‘Beara Beara' creates bags for those who we have not yet met. But we sit and imagine who you may be. What secrets you have, what makes you smile, what makes you sigh. We sit at our messy desks and rummage through materials and shapes and patterns. We play. We play with our ideas. What will make your life a little brighter? We ignore the chaos in the street, the technology, the worries of life. We create something new. Every month we go home with our wages to give to our landlords and government and banks but still feel quite content. We like making strangers smile.
我们为素未谋面的人设计包包。我们静坐着,想像你可能扮演的角色,你可能隐藏的秘密;思考着甚么能令你会心微笑,甚么能令你悲伤叹息。我们坐在杂乱的桌前,恣意翻弄各式素材原料。什么能使你的生活增添色彩?是我们试图寻求的答案。忽视繁华街道的喧嚣,制式的规定以及苦闷的烦恼。Beara Beara创造出精致独特的包包,只希望你们一展笑颜。
In our minds we are Julio and Maria and Cesar and Natalia who also sit at their desks in Bolivia and twist and shape pieces of leather into something that has never been seen before. Our connection with our suppliers is one of the most special aspects about Beara Beara. A collaboration, which exists on mutual admiration, respect, understanding and general positivity. Improve people's lives through trade and not aid, is one of the principles on which the business is built, yet none of us imagined it would become so much fun.
Beara Beara和位于玻利维亚的制造商特殊且和谐的合作关系,创建在互相欣赏,理解及尊重。鼓励当地居民就业,提高当地生活水平,一直是我们致力达成的目标。
As a young business we have been quite hideous to work with; a spoilt child wanting everything and wanting it right now. Over demanding in production schedules, uncompromising in material quality, relentless in the pursuit of our exact designs, pedantic in finding faults. Hats off to our suppliers for putting up with us in our infancy but now that we are a tad more mature we have been justified by the fact that our customers appreciate our continued pursuit of quality and perfection. Naturally dyed hand-picked hides. One-of-a-kind cloths displaying history in a modern style. Soft linings and strong hardware. Our aim is always to create a quality product that will reward our customer's trust in us.
Beara Beara是个非常年轻且刚起步的品牌,在这竞争激烈的时尚产业中,我们致力于坚持高品质原料和独创的设计,并逐渐的成长茁壮。天然的染色织布,独特的花纹布料,纯棉内衬以及坚韧的皮革架构,俨然成为Beara Beara代名词。为了使购买Beara Beara的你们感受到这份用心及感谢你们的信任,对于品质的坚持我们将永不妥协。
Overview 总览
Detail 细节
材质: 牛皮、绒布
内衬: 100%棉
尺寸(厘米): 长 20 X 高25 X 宽8
背带(厘米): 81(可调整)
重量(公克): 430
FAQ 常见问题
是的,Beara Beara只使用天然皮革。Beara Beara的包包全由未加工过的牛皮制成,皮革上会带有天然且深浅不一的纹理,此为手工牛皮制品的一大特色。
Beara Beara是否有加入公平贸易组织?