叶,微风轻抚过的胸口上 ,让随风旅行的一片叶子静待胸口,戴着它,继续旅行去。
白钢 stainless steel
产品使用注意事项 .配戴时,若流汗请先取下,尽量不要与有汗水的肌肤接触,以保持链子光泽度,避免水分、湿气影响链饰金属材质造成潮湿氧化。
.不配戴时,使用拭银布或眼镜布,轻轻将链饰坠饰擦干净,并以夹链袋密封收藏,置于干燥处。 产品使用禁止说明
moorigin 没有耀眼珠珠钻饰,没有梦幻蕾丝亮片,自然简约的设计风格结合纯粹材质,回归原点思考,诉求一种简单宁静的美,传达一种反璞归真的精神。moorigin 注重设计过程每个环节细微变化,严选材质、细腻的制作过程、轻量化节约包装、无法妥协的细节要求,都是品牌最基本的坚持。期待产品落到顾客手中时,像是喝了一口纯净好水,简单舒服的感受,体验这种与众不同的时尚品味。 About
moorigin desires to bring you exquisitely designed products that reflect the timeless beauty and simplicity of nature. the spirit of innocence and new beginnings.at moorigin we pay attention to each part of the production process, from the intricate designs, the strict material selection, all the way down to our clean and simple packaging.our hope is that when you own one of our timeless products you are remind of all things unique, pure, lovely and simple. the things that make this life beautiful.
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