Better life for cats? Houtong or Your Home? 侯硐位于台湾新北市,从早期便有许多猫栖息,近几年在“猫村”概念的推广下,形成观光热潮,但也招来弃养及猫儿疾病的问题。如何改善猫儿的生存环境,是一项不可忽视的课题!
Better life for cats? Houtong or Your Home? Houtong, located in New Taipei City, is home to dozens of feral cats for many years, where it is now popular for being a "Cat Village" and drawing thousands of tourists in recent years. However, problems of cat abandonment and cat diseases come along with its fame. The task of how to improve cats' living conditions should not be neglected!
Brand : MIIN Gift
Material : Paper
Size : 15x10x0.15cm
Weight : 10g
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