脉轮蜡烛礼盒 七入精油药草茶蜡烛

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Sa'Vee Candles
Sa'Vee Candles
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脉轮蜡烛礼盒 七入精油药草茶蜡烛 - 蜡烛/烛台 - 精油 透明


顶着微笑面具 压抑的情绪不能释放 接收到的好好休息指令 真的休息了吗 看着金色带着希望的光芒 跟着 Sa’Vee 脉轮药草精油蜡烛一起回到本我意识空间 与自己对话—找到你的内在平衡 -- 脉轮—Chakra,根据古印度的传统医学VEDA(吠陀经)记载,每一个脉轮都透过神经、内分泌、经络系统等等,保存在对应的器官、腺体跟组织,掌管着心理、情感、身体和精神上的平衡,而每一个脉轮都可以对应至身体主要的神经丛,也是进入心灵的通道。 https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/53233562003_c152f23a5f.jpg https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/53233636754_ceb17b260d.jpg **海底轮 Root मूलाधार / Mūlādhāra** __适合聆听频率 396 赫兹的音乐__ / 将悲伤转化为快乐,将内疚转化为宽恕 / 代表字义:“解放 Liberate” 失衡表现:容易产生焦虑、贪婪、物质主义、缺乏行动力、缺乏安全感⋯ 平衡表现:脚踏实地、活在当下、精力充沛且充满着对生命的安全感。 使用精油与药草:乳香、杜松、广藿香、没药 Root Chakra Recommended Frequency : 396 Hertz / Transforming sorrow into joy, guilt into forgiveness / Meaning : "Liberate" Imbalance manifests as anxiety, greed, materialism, a lack of initiative, a lack of security, and so on. Balance manifests as groundedness, living in the present moment, being energetic, and feeling secure in life. Notes and herbs : Frankincense, Juniper, Patchouli, Myrrh https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/53233259141_85fe607b9a.jpg **脐轮 Sacral स्वाधिष्ठान / Svādhisthāna** __适合聆听频率 417 赫兹的音乐__ / 掌管着感觉、感受的能力,更直接影响着我们的情绪起伏与变化;接触、改变生活 / 代表字义:“和解 Resolve” 失衡表现:不喜欢自己、悲观情绪、情绪激烈⋯ 平衡表现:倾向投入生命中美好的事物并能展现自身的魅力与影响力。 使用精油与药草:玫瑰、茉莉、雪松、檀香、琥珀、鼠尾草 Sacral Chakra Recommended Frequency : 417 Hertz / Governs sensory and emotional abilities, directly impacting emotional fluctuations and changes; connecting, transforming life / Meaning : "Resolve" Imbalance manifests as self-dislike, pessimism, powerful emotions... Balance manifests as engaging in positive elements of life and exhibiting charm and influence. Notes and herbs : Rose, Jasmine, Cedar, Sandalwood, Amber, Sage https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/53233561668_d9a817d218.jpg **太阳神经丛 Solar plexus मणिपूर / Manipūra** __适合聆听频率 528 赫兹的音乐__ / 个人力量泉源,恢复平衡、带来转变 / 代表字义:“爱 Love” 失衡表现:自我中心、懒洋洋、对任何事物提不起劲⋯ 平衡表现:信心与意志力,突破阻碍、实现个人目标。 使用精油与药草:白茶、佛手柑、葡萄柚、甜橙、肉桂、岩兰草 Solar Plexus Chakra Recommended Frequency : 528 Hertz / Source of personal power, restoration of balance, bringing transformation / Meaning : "Love" Imbalance manifests as self-centeredness, lethargy, and a lack of excitement... Balance emerges as self-assurance and willpower, as well as the ability to overcome barriers and achieve personal goals. Notes and herbs : White Tea, Bergamot, Grapefruit, Orange, Cinnamon, Vetiver. https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/53233259081_0a2a978065.jpg **心轮 Heart अनाहत / Anāhata** __适合聆听频率 639 赫兹的音乐__ / 身体、思想、情感和精神之间的桥梁 / 代表字义:“链接 Connect” 失衡表现:执着、注意力不集中、不客观⋯ 平衡表现:同理心、待人宽恕且圆柔、带来和谐的人际关系。 使用精油与药草:玫瑰、依兰、洋甘菊、苦橙叶、佛手柑、安息香 Heart Chakra Recommended Frequency : 639 Hertz / Bridge between body, mind, emotions, and spirit / Meaning : "Connect" Imbalance manifests as Obsession, lack of attention, lack of objectivity and so on. Empathy, a forgiving and gentle temperament, and cultivating healthy relationships are all signs of balance. Notes and herbs : Rose, Ylang Ylang, Chamomile, Petitgrain, Bergamot, Benzoin https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/53233561608_45197caba0.jpg **喉轮 Throat विशुद्ध / Viśuddha** __适合聆听频率 741 赫兹的音乐__ / 知识、言语沟通表达和创造力的中心 / 代表字义:“表达 Express” 失衡表现:不善表达、对未知恐惧、唠叨、缺乏耐心⋯ 平衡表现:勇于表达、追求真理、表达内在真实的想法、倾听他人,并拥有写作、绘画、音乐等创造力。 使用精油与药草:尤加利、丁香花苞、罗马洋甘菊、迷迭香、薄荷 Throat Chakra Recommended Frequency : 741 Hertz / Center of knowledge, expressive communication, and creativity / Meaning : "Express" Imbalance manifests as worry of the unknown, gossip, irritability and so on. Balance appears as the courage to express oneself, the pursuit of truth, the ability to articulate one's inner thoughts, the ability to listen to others, and creative abilities such as writing, painting, and music. Notes and herbs : Eucalyptus, Clove Bud, Chamomile Roman, Rosemary, Mint https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/53232392352_b0bc997635.jpg **眉心轮 Third Eye आज्ञा / Ājñā** __适合聆听频率 852 赫兹的音乐__ / 唤醒直觉、觉知的高阶意识 / 代表字义:“觉醒 Awaken” 失衡表现:失眠、过度思考、无法理解、思绪纷乱⋯ 平衡表现:以较高的心智能力理解抽象的想法并对思绪和情绪的自我掌控力较佳。 使用精油与药草:薰衣草、洋甘菊、金盏菊、葡萄柚、麝香 Third Eye Chakra Recommended Frequency : 852 Hertz / Awakening intuition and higher consciousness awareness / Meaning : "Awaken" Imbalance emerges as insomnia, overthinking, inability to grasp, fragmented ideas... Balance manifests as higher grasp of abstract ideas due to increased intellectual ability ; improved self-control over thoughts and emotions. Notes and herbs : lavender, chamomile, calendula, grapefruit and musk https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/53233636589_0ee41c4636.jpg **顶轮 Crown सहस्रार / Sahasrāra** __适合聆听频率 963 赫兹的音乐__ / 和宇宙链接,健康的精神生活 / 代表字义:“能量 Energy” 失衡表现:活在幻想、忽略物质、不切实际、不信任直觉 平衡表现:不经过研读或学习知晓事物,而是“悟”。 使用精油与药草:乳香、苦橙叶、乳油木、玫瑰、薰衣草、胡萝卜籽、檀香、圣约翰草 Crown Chakra Recommended Frequency : 963 Hertz / Connecting with the universe, healthy spiritual life / Meaning : "Energy" Imbalance manifests as living in fantasies, neglecting reality, impracticality and skepticism of intuition. Balance manifests itself as obtaining knowledge without studying or learning, but through “knowing". Notes and herbs : Frankincense, Petitgrain, Shea Tree, Rose, Lavender, Carrot Seed, Sandalwood, St. John's Wort -- ▎茶烛尺寸:直径 4 厘米、高 2 厘米 ‣ 适用一般市面上烛台使用 **使用与注意事项:** ⧓ 每颗脉轮蜡烛容量约15g 燃烧时间约为4小时(燃烧时间受环境影响) ⧓ 皆使用100%天然蜡与能量药草及精油,用真心与正能量手工调配制作 ⧓ 蜡烛上的药草不需取下,可以直接点燃蜡烛增加香气散发能量 ⧓ 请带着正面、乐观的心情享用并感受每颗脉轮蜡烛带来的愉悦时光 ⧓ 为了安全请仅在保持通风且视线范围之环境燃烧蜡烛,并置放于安全耐温、气流平稳处及孩童宠物不可及的地方 ⧓ 请勿移动在燃烧中的蜡烛并确保维持蜡烛周边环境皆无易燃物 Usage and Precautions : ‣ Each chakra candle weighs 15g with a burning time around 4 hours.(The burning duration may vary due to environmental conditions.) ‣ We use 100% natural wax, energy herbs, and essential oils, carefully handcrafted with sincerity and positive energy. ‣ The herbs on the candle do not need to be removed; you can directly light the candle to enhance aroma diffusion and energy release. ‣ Please enjoy and embrace the positive, optimistic attitude while experiencing the delightful moments brought by each chakra candle. ‣ For safety reasons, only burn the candle in a well-ventilated area within your sight and keep it away from combustible materials. Place the candle on a heat-resistant, stable surface, out of reach of children and pets. ‣ Do not move a burning candle, and make sure the area around the candle remains free from flammable objects. https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/53233561498_55accec2f3.jpg https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/53232392407_8a22330cd4.jpg https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/53233646902_2d1dc90c59.jpg https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/53347440999_3b014816c3_z.jpg


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